Instant Show and Tell
This is what happens when you forget to close the garage door overnight and there is road salt residue on the floor:
Actually, I kinda envy his way of dealing with trouble. Hide your face and act prickly.
When I was little we had a similar situation. My dad tossed his cap on the porky’s back and got some quills for us.* So I did the same with an old dishrag, and both girls had something for show and tell.
*Late-arriving fact-check email from my mom: Hey, loved the picture, but got your facts a little off. You guys were walking with me … and a juvie [young porcupine] was walking west. We followed it for a while, then I took one of your caps and touched it to the little fellow and got some spines. Dad did the same for me on our honeymoon or I probably would have been too afraid to try it since the old lore was that they could throw their quills, not just let them loose.
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