Category: Gallery

Photos, Audio & Video

Thank You Scenes from The Road

Coming in off the road I’m always struck by how personal our events are and yet large enough that I can’t possibly personally thank everyone to whom I owe thanks,…View post

Firefighting Throwback

Throwback to that time I found out how it goes if you fight a wildfire while wearing cargo shorts under your gear. Safe, but sooty. Man, I loved being part…View post

Walking the Dog, Country Style

Throwback Thursday, taking the dog for a walk. He was a good ol’ flop-eared mutt. Alfie, we called him. Or Alf. Unless I’m remembering that wrong, in which case I’ll…View post

Swamped But…

Swamped to a depth I’ve not been swamped in quite some time, so things have gone a tad quiet but we do have some fun out there, in this case…View post