Whad’Ya Know? Show and Long Beds
I’m taking a week to just hang out with my family. We’re not going anywhere exotic, in fact most days we’re just knockin’ around the farm. But posts for this week may or may not reflect reality or current events, as I’ve set them up to publish themselves so I can be off splitting firewood or toasting marshmallows or re-inventing myself as the Chicken Whisperer.
During the recent World Tour in support of Tiny Pilot, the Long Beds climbed off their palatial tour buses (we each have our own bus, naturally – it minimizes all the vicious infighting) to appear with Michael Feldman on Whad’Ya Know? The show is archived now. You can listen here.
We play at the end of the first hour and the beginning of the second.
As we left the stage, there in the wings was my dear friend Frank. Turns out he was the next guest. I’ve written about Frank in my books…also if you’ve heard me tell the “billions” story, he’s that Frank. One of the kindest, smartest fellows I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. Once his interview gets rolling and he starts talking about Wisconsin milk production, you’ll get a sense of his facility with knowledge. I especially like his cheese comment.
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