Small-Town Upside

Continuing the theme of absent-mindedness, yesterday morning I headed for the Post Office after fruitlessly searching for the key to our PO box (I didn’t search too intently, since I leave the keys at the Post Office so regularly they oughta just put a little hook up there for me – the Postmaster in New Auburn kept them right there beside the register).  When I got to the Post Office, I was informed that not only did I leave my key there last time, I had left it in the lock with the drawer pulled out.  After getting my key and mail, I returned to the lot to find that the truck wouldn’t start (battery’s been dying, now it’s dead).

Upshot is, one of the staff there came out and gave me a jump.  Not going to get specific, just in case it’s some sort of official violation to leave your post at the Post.  But how neat it was to stand there at the counter – admittedly a little embarrassed, but not too embarrassed to ask for help – and see familiar faces smiling back with patience and a willingness to assist, even though they were all still busily sorting mail.

You can overdo the small-towns-are-wonderful thing.  Bad and good everywhere, obviously.  And I have been done great kindnesses by strangers in big metropoli.  But it sure is nice to have a Post Office crew you know by name, and who can find a way to discharge their professional responsiblities and lend a neighborly hand in the process.

So thanks, Fall Creek Post Office crew, for all those times you give my keys safe harbor.  And thanks for the jump.

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