Live Events

Art and Philosophy for Us In-Betweens

Book writing is weird. Not everyone is digging Montaigne in Barn Boots and it clearly ain’t for everyone. That’s OK, and part of the deal. But not since Population 485 have I received…View post

Mike & Montaigne on Contemplify

Mike recently spoke with Contemplify host Paul Swanson.  You can listen here or on iTunes. TOPICS I’ll Find a Way by the Blind Boys of Alabama Louis L’Amour Books The Bible All Quiet…View post

Hamden, Connecticut Tonight

This evening’s literary event at the Miller Library in Hamden, Connecticut, will feature one of the most embarrassing pieces I’ve ever published. You’re welcome. Also some 16th century French philosophy…View post

Me and Montaigne in Woodstock NY Today

Golden Notebook in Woodstock, NY, 4 pm today. Details here. Whether grabbing an electrified fence, fighting fires, failing to fix a truck, or feeding chickens, in Montaigne in Barn Boots Michael Perry…View post