Population 485 Onstage Welcomes Neighbor
This August 28, up there at the Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, we’re going to do the first-ever stage adaptation of Population 485 (ticket info here).
This is my first try at this sort of thing, and I needed some help. So I’m pleased that one of the neighbors (he grew up just down the road from our farm and understands hay bales) was available. Jake Lindgren is a graduate of The University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire and has a BA in Comprehensive Theatre with a focus on directing and design. In 2008 he was a founding member of the Minneapolis based theatre company, Lamb Lays with Lion, with whom he performed and served as Costume Designer. In 2011, he returned to the Chippewa Valley and in 2013 founded the Eau Claire based theatre company, Downstage Left, of which he serves as Artistic Director. Some of Lindgren’s directing credits include: The Shape of Things, Talley’s Folly, Gruesome Playground Injuries, 21A, Peter Pan , & The Amish Project.
All very nice, but mainly I care that he was raised in the presence of old John Deere tractors.
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