Enhance Your Reading Experience

If ever I needed more proof that I stand with one foot in the literary world and the other in the pig pen, this email removes all doubt:

My wife Amy is currently reading Coop.  On the way back to St. Paul from visiting my mom in Bloomer, she was reading in the car about one of your trips to Farm & Fleet and specifically about the salt blocks.  Since she grew up “in town” in Lake City, MN, she previously had no idea what a salt block was.  We had already planned on stopping at Fleet Farm in Menomonie, since it was “on the way” because I was out of peanuts.  Fleet Farm Virginia peanuts are the best peanuts I have tasted (much better than Fishers or Planters) and I highly recommend them.  So while we were there, I took her to the Farm aisle so she could touch a salt block (she did not lick it though).  She was surprised at how smooth it was.   I also pointed out the milk replacer and alfalfa cubes.

This little field trip definitely enhanced her reading experience.


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