A Musical First

One night when I was up late writing in my room above the garage, I got an email from Geoffrey Keezer. He wondered if I might like to collaborate on a song. Him being the Grammy-nominated jazzman, he would provide music. Me being the chicken farmer with a thesaurus, I would provide words.

So Geoffrey sent me some music. It made me feel like autumn and love lost. I put it on repeat and started jotting notes.  Sent him one verse. Then another. Then a bridge and final verse. Then there was some back-and-forth tweaking. Geoffrey and I have never met. We’ve never even spoken. This whole deal has been conducted entirely by email. And yet it’s been one of the most invigorating projects I’ve worked on in a long time, and I’m pleased to say that this Saturday, Geoffrey and vocalist Julia Dollison will debut our song “Red Leaf” at a show in California.

Thanks, you two.

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