Welcome to Sneezing Cow Plus Chickens
I’m told there will be some new visitors today, so howdy and welcome. If I may, allow me to show you around the place. You can leave your boots on. In fact, I recommend it.
This is Coop, the book we were discussing on the radio today (click cover for more info):
You can join our mailing list by clicking here. (We use the list to let you know about books or other projects and if I’m coming to your area for an event. I’ll also send out an email blast should my hair ever grow back.)
The Sneezing Cow Facebook page is here.
The Sneezing Cow Twitter page is here.
Videos of me doing “Clodhopper Reports” here. Bonus chicken footage here.
And here’s a recent article about pigs and chickens and whatnot:
No link, but I wish to thank my wife. For nearly a month now, I have been on the road yapping about poultry, pigs and parenting while she actually deals with the poultry, pigs and parenting. We are so grateful that we are able to make a go of this books and chickens thing…but none of this would be happening were it not for the strong, independent woman who lets me be her husband. Had a long visit with her on the phone yesterday, just talking about the day-to-day, good to know I’ll see her soon. My trusted friend and dearest confidante.
And because people ask, this is how the website got its name.
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