Live Events Page: 5 of 35

Writing, Music, Rhythm

Recorded a phone call with Leesa Cross-Smith this morning for this year’s Eaux Claires festival. The little snippet below didn’t get used, but I’m sharing it because the intersection of…View post

Oops! 1986 not 1984

By chance Twitter exchange, I just discovered an error in Coop: The show in Milton Keynes Bowl was in 1986, not 1984. Here’s the proof. Simple Minds, The Waterboys, Lloyd Cole…View post

Writing Tics Revisited

Writing tic: Forever having things “begin” or “began.” Just have’em HAPPEN, Sparky! I’d have a whole ‘nother book wrote by now if I had back all the time spent deleting…View post

Heart Charts

Some of my books have sold beyond what I dared hope. Some far fewer. In the last 48 hours I received heartfelt, intense, uplifting notes of gratitude from readers of…View post