Things I’ve Learned (at 44)
The reason that air compressor was on sale and cheaper than the rest is because none of the attachments were included. Not the hose, not the chuck, not the coupler,…View post
The reason that air compressor was on sale and cheaper than the rest is because none of the attachments were included. Not the hose, not the chuck, not the coupler,…View post
I prefer grey over gray but Spell Check* will not allow it. *Nor certain willful copyeditors.
If they say they will…they might.
Should you find yourself working for a man who repeatedly insists, “money is no object,” by all means get paid up front.
Life is better with sleep.* *Worth considering prior to having babies at 42.** **One’s wife would like to remind One that One has been known to snore right through it…View post