Two Things…
…I (regrettably) seem to need to learn again and again: 1. Stop trying to write the perfect first draft. 2. Get back to work.
…I (regrettably) seem to need to learn again and again: 1. Stop trying to write the perfect first draft. 2. Get back to work.
You really can’t call yourself a farmer unless you’ve got at least one purple fingernail.
If you’re trying to pull up one of those step-in fence posts and it just won’t budge, no matter how hard you grunt and heave, umm, check to make sure…View post
…the tape measure blade slip off the end of the 2×4 when you don’t want it to, but clings tight when you try to shake it loose?
I apparently emanate some invisible force field that prevents the function of “automatic” soap dispensers, faucets, and paper towel machines. I stand there flapping my hands like I’m conducting Beethoven’s…View post