Live Events Page: 6 of 45

Open Air Get Together

Thank you Pamela Klinger-Horn and Valley Bookseller for a great stage, great sound, and great company. Hearing the origin stories of other authors and their work is always energizing and…View post

Grandpa Said Go Write

Man on the left lived part of his childhood in a railroad boxcar. Spent time dug into the sands of Iwo Jima, witnessed the worst of it. Wound up introducing…View post

Today’s Minutiae

This was fun: I wrote about Wikipedia and Wikipedia wrote about meĀ (scroll down to “The article on Michael Perry falsely said that he is a pig farmer”). A cataract surgeon…View post

Set to Ship

Signed, stacked, and set to ship. Burned through some Sharpies. Thank you. We’re still taking orders. Not being an international conglomerate, Monday’s pretty much the last day we can guarantee…View post