Copyeditor Chronicles
I’ve written previously here and here of my appreciation for good copyeditors. For the last two days I’ve been reviewing the copyedits for my next book (a middle-grade novel due…View post
I’ve written previously here and here of my appreciation for good copyeditors. For the last two days I’ve been reviewing the copyedits for my next book (a middle-grade novel due…View post
Reader Chris C. has sharp eyes and points out that on page 162 of Visiting Tom I refer to Tom’s car as a “long-gone Ford convertible” despite the fact that it…View post
Pursuant to my recent post on copyeditors, below are some of the comments left by the copyeditor of my most recent manuscript (book due out in August). Even out of…View post
Just recently my editor taught me when to use “elder daughter” instead of “eldest.” Today my copyeditor taught me that these {} are called French braces. Sometimes I get questions…View post
I prefer grey over gray but Spell Check* will not allow it. *Nor certain willful copyeditors.