Gobstopper, Tallywhacker
The copyeditor puts together a style sheet for each book. This is the vocabulary index for one I’ve got coming out in November. It reads like a list of hints.…View post
The copyeditor puts together a style sheet for each book. This is the vocabulary index for one I’ve got coming out in November. It reads like a list of hints.…View post
In today’s copyediting chronicles it has been definitively established: I never did know how to spell oeuvre. But carburetor? I got that.
In today’s copyediting chronicles it has been definitively established: I never did know how to spell oeuvre. But carburetor? I got that.
You’re in a band, you thank the crew. You’re a writer, you thank the copyeditors. The show behind the show, making us sound smarter than we are. See also.
Plodding through final pass of first pass of “The Jesus Cow.” It’ll be out in May of this year (early listen here). There are five pages like these and 100+…View post