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Books and Paint

An improvisational painting by Carol Berning based on the Prologue to Coop: And the prologue in question: At the earliest edges of my memory, my father is plowing, and I am…View post

Don’t Look Outside

Rather than acknowledge the sn*w, here’s a photo of a chicken by a pool in Panama. When I took the photo I was working on the book Visiting Tom. I…View post

Chicken Business

Was up until after midnight constructing enclosed chicken ramp (long story, part of perpetually evolving poultry master plan, stage eleventeen) when at 1 a.m. it struck me that I should…View post

Excerpt of the Week: Fred Eaglesmith

In studio recording the audiobook version of Coop. Snow’s piled up to the dang eaves, so it’s been a mood-booster to read the chapter about hay baling. The excerpt below refers…View post