Young Booksellers
One of the themes of my new Montaigne book is how we middle-agers and older might avoid becoming brittle and bitter and rather pitch in with the younger folks looking…View post
One of the themes of my new Montaigne book is how we middle-agers and older might avoid becoming brittle and bitter and rather pitch in with the younger folks looking…View post
A big thank you to everyone at the Tucson Festival of Books. Terrific experience. Over 300 writers, 1,400 volunteers, and a dedicated crew at the center of it all. You…View post
My life has many good things in it, for which I am grateful. Sometimes there are pictures. Congratulations to Anastasia and Gabriel, winners of the Wisconsin Rapids (I was born…View post
Guy approaches me at a signing. Points to From the Top. Says, “That’s a great bathroom book!” Then he turns red, starts to apologize. “Oh, I didn’t mean…” Sir. Read at…View post
Rediscovered box of (former) books. Contained verminous confetti.