SPECIAL OFFER: Michael Perry’s Voice Mail

SPECIAL OFFER: Mike’s latest Voice Mail (episode #178) is for paid subscribers only. However, if you email [email protected] and include “sample episode please” in the subject line or body of the text, the Sneezing Cow tech team will provide you 7 days access to this and all back episodes of Voice Mail (as we prefer, no credit card is required).


In this episode I read a passage from my next book manuscript (the long overdue one about dads and daughters). I’m on track to turn in the draft next month—here’s hopin,’ and here’s typin’.

The section I’ve chosen relays the story of the conversation I had with the very first young man to ever drive my daughter out the driveway on a date. I hope you find it entertaining, and I hope you hear my heart in it.

This episode’s marginalia is from another book about dads and daughters, A Man Walks Into a Barn, by Chad Oldfather. (Also available through BookShop, supporting independent booksellers.)

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