This Week’s Tent Show Radio: Pickin’ on Rock

Check out Mike (FacebookInstagram / Twitter) hosting Tent Show Radio (Twitter: @BigBlueTent). This week’s episode features Big Top Chautauqua’s famed house band, the Blue Canvas Orchestra.

Take a classic rock song, add the Blue Canvas Orchestra, and the result is something that is sure to move an audience. Led by Molly Otis & Ed Willett, Pickin’ on Rock debuted at the tent in the summer of 2022 and immediately became an audience favorite. In this rousing show, classic rock songs are interpreted into the bluegrass and alternative string stylings of the Blue Canvas Orchestra. From Led Zeppelin, Queen, Guns N ’Roses, to Heart, The Beatles, and more. You’ve heard these songs before, but not quite like this.

This episode features: Molly Otis, Ed Willett, Severin Behnen, Randy Wydra, Scott Kirby, Stevie Matier, Nori Schwenzfeier, and Harrison Olk.

During intermission Michael Perry shares a humorous or heartfelt (or both) story drawn from his beloved books and offbeat life experiences.

Follow this link for all the available viewing options.

Stream it here along with other Tent Show Radio episodes.

Tent show Radio is broadcast each week on many fine independent stations, which can be found here:

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