It’s Good To See You Out There
Home again after another run of being on the road. Even though it’s just me and sometimes a helper and our old van and mostly my home state (did sneak over the Minnesota border on this one), I like to call it “the road” as a nod to the truckers and musicians and roadies who have enriched my life over the years. I wanna be like them. Anyways, it was a typical non-typical stretch: I spoke at two librarian conferences, one public library event (an all-city read of Population 485), a dairy conference (did my ten minute bit on artificial insemination, which plays better in some rooms than others), an EMS conference (S.A.M.P.L.E.) and wrapped it all up with a rip-roaring, heart-warming solo show at the Park Center in Hayward, Wisconsin (thank you Ronda for the photos above).
Also managed to sneak home long enough to attend my EMR refresher course.
I’ve run out of ways to adequately express my gratitude for this asymmetrical life I’ve been allowed. Best I can say right now is I hope you’ll join us out there somewhere sometime. Best way to know if I’m headed your way is to be on our old fashioned mailing list (we send advance notice based on a zip code radius) and also keep an eye on the Sneezing Cow Events page right here.
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