Live Humor Album Coming Soon
I continue to work on the next book, but between writing sessions, we’ve been working to finish another project we hope to release in a matter of weeks. We even dropped a couple of hints here and here.
No more hints, here’s the deal: Over the past couple of years I’ve been working up a thing I call “The Clodhopper Monologues.” It’s just me, a microphone, a friendly crowd, and a bunch of stories: some drawn from the books, others simply added along the way, and a couple made up on the spot. Last spring we recorded one of these shows and we’ll be releasing it in a double-CD and digital format very soon. We’ll post additional details as well as pre-ordering information (all pre-orders will be entered into a drawing for door prizes, just like at the fire department banquet) soon. If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll receive all the details in advance – if you’re not on our mailing list, we respectfully request that you join up here.
In this sample cut, I’m talking about how I learned to read…kinda:
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