That Tent We’re Talking About (From)
Just in time for the Avett Brothers concert on Tent Show Radio this weekend (here’s where/how/when to listen), the current issue of Volume One includes an article about the home of Tent Show Radio, Big Top Chautauqua.
This is the book referenced in the article…I was already in love with my wife when I took her to see Greg Brown in the tent that night, and was all ready to make it official. She was a little more level-headed. As I wrote in the book, that was the day she told me she was going to wait until we hit the six-month mark before committing to any paperwork. That was like a rolled-up newspaper to the snoot.
But the tent, and Greg Brown, it all helped, and now we’re into our seventh year.
Article’s also got a nice picture of the tent from above:
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