Off For A Run
Supposed to participate in a very brief road race today. Although I’m typing this the night before – so there’s always the possibility I’ve overslept. The race begins at 9 a.m. This is uncivilized. Why not, say, 2 p.m.? Or 5 p.m. if I needed a nap? Then I could run the race and go straight to supper. That’d be nice.
UPDATE: Made it. Wasn’t pretty, but I made it. This was a race of one mile. In high school I ran a mile in 4:48. Two years ago I ran the mile in 5:58. Today, I ran it in 5:50. So I figure another ten years of training, I’ll be right back at those high school numbers.
I placed third in the 40-49 year old category. This was so unexpected that I missed it when they called my name at the awards ceremony and only figured it out later when I looked at the results. When I told my wife I placed third in my age group, she said, “Well, how many people were in this race?”
I call my wife the Great Calibrator.
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