Making New Friends

Heading home soon after being away for the better part of two weeks.  I meet so many new folks out on these swings.  At most events I remember to pass around a mailing list signup sheet, but at a couple (Cedar Rapids, for one) I forgot.  If we missed you, and you don’t mind, the sign-up page is here.

And if you’re wondering what signing up entails, here’s the explanation:

We use the mailing list to send updates (new books, new projects, new news) and to let folks know if Mike is coming to their area. Enter as much or as little information as you wish. It’s nice if you can include your snail mail address, as email addresses often change. If you’d rather give us only an email address it still helps if you include your zip code so we can let you know when Mike will be speaking/performing nearby. We do not let anyone use our mailing list…just us. Us basically being Mike.

Sign-up page is here.

Soon I’ll be back with my wife, tots, and chicken coop.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to join me out there on the road.  I’m grateful.

Want to be the first to know when Mike has a new book, or is coming to your area? Please sign up for the email list.