Tiny Pilot Tour

I’m going to hit the road around Wisconsin (and over into Minnesota) in mid-March with my books and my band.  We’ll be posting specifics soon.

In the meantime, the new album is available for pre-order over at Amble Down Records.  If you place your pre-order now, within 24 hours the record company will send you a code so you can download and listen to the entire album immediately.  Then on March 1(15 days prior to the official release) they’ll mail you the physical album (featuring 3 bonus tracks, dedications, humorous credits, and a full-color poster-sized insert including lyrics and song notes on one side and a captioned photo album on the other).

Click here and look for the “Pre-Order” button.

A special thank you to those of you who have already pre-ordered.  Amble Down Records says you have set a new, umm…record.

LATE ANNOUNCEMENT: Amble Down Records has reached an agreement to make Tiny Pilot available at many of your favorite independent bookstores throughout the midwest…stay tuned for details.  We wanted to do this because those bookstores have been so supportive of Mike from the get-go, and also because there are threads between the music and the books.

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