Back From the Road

So we played (and I yapped) in Lakeville and Cable and Hayward this weekend.  Thank you to everyone who showed up.  We so enjoy what we do.  In Hayward the Long Beds and I were joined all show long by Molly Otis and her amazing red fiddle.  I’ve known Molly for nearly exactly 20 years now and this was the first time we’d ever shared the stage as musicians.  It was a joy.  Her fiddle took our songs to places they’d never been.

So now we’re filtering back to our homes.  Our deal is pretty low-key…no tour buses, just us toodling along in our cars with gear stacked in the back, but still it’s nice to drive those last familiar miles to home.  I have returned to sweet, warm air and the scent of melt.  I stopped in Farm & Fleet for a bit of manly shopping (and the scent of new tires), now I’m doing a little work before heading to the house for a night with my wife and girls…at home.

Thank you.

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