Live Events Page: 3 of 29

Photographers, Friends

“Well, that’s interesting…,” as we say around here. I’m honored to know John and Julie and to have worked beside them (they’ve done most of my book covers and all…View post

Gnip-Gnop on the Brain

“It’s like psychedelic Gnip-Gnop on amphetamines in there.” From an interview Mike just did at Midwestern Gothic.

Heartland Fall Forum Thank You

In Chicago. Signing books before breakfast. Cannot hear chickens, can hear people talking eagerly about books, so that’s a fair trade. Here to say thank you for this.

Burning Down the House

Meant to post this during the recently concluded book tour (or terrr) as we are wont to say hereabouts. Chapter Six of Visiting Tom includes the story of how this house went from…View post