I Knew The Poet Laureate When…
This Nickolas Butler profile (read it here) of Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig made me feel old in the best way…took me back to being the farm kid writing bad…View post
This Nickolas Butler profile (read it here) of Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig made me feel old in the best way…took me back to being the farm kid writing bad…View post
For reasons best expressed by the Wendell Berry poem “The Peace of Wild Things,” I went out and picked until I had a tubful.
Did a quick, quiet, garage recording of the poem from the 37d03d MIXTAPE performance at Eaux Claires. Text and audio here.
For those of you wondering about the lines of poetry included in The Jesus Cow, below is a piece I wrote at the end of the hardcover tour (right now the…View post
Mystery prep for Eaux Claires.