“Mashup” of New Book in Men’s Health
The current issue of Men’s Health includes a “mashup” essay (my term – basically it’s an excerpt, but the material is presented in different order, and there is some additional…View post
The current issue of Men’s Health includes a “mashup” essay (my term – basically it’s an excerpt, but the material is presented in different order, and there is some additional…View post
Recently, I was asked to write an essay for Father’s Day. The request came as we were preparing to travel to Colorado for a funeral. I wrote most of it…View post
The new issue of Men’s Health magazine contains an essay I wrote about my non-drinking ways. Included is the anecdote of how being alcohol-free got me kicked off a jury.
I’m told the August issue of Outside magazine is now available. I have a fish story in there. About real big fish. Here’s a photo taken on the last day…View post
Clearly not a good blog post title. But I had an article about cadavers in the last issue of Men’s Health. You can read it here. And in this month’s…View post