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They really were repairing the tractor. Every reason I love them, in one image. If you didn’t know, this would be a place to begin. She was a farm girl.…View post

John and Julie and How It Is

As a guy who’s alleged to know something of words and their artful deployment, my one regret about this wonderful article is that I was unable to conjure a more…View post

John and Julie

I owe John and Julie more than I can repay. They’ve done the covers for several of my books (including this life-changer) and shot all the photos in Visiting Tom, cover…View post

Photographers, Friends

“Well, that’s interesting…,” as we say around here. I’m honored to know John and Julie and to have worked beside them (they’ve done most of my book covers and all…View post

Barry Lynn

I have mentioned Barry Lynn in my books and other writing often.  Perhaps you’d not think a fellow like this would be an inspiration to a clunky-footed knucklehead like me. …View post