Tony Gets it All in One Trip
Tony the merch manager getting it all in one trip! If you’ve been to any of my hundreds of events over the past few years and bought a book or…View post
Tony the merch manager getting it all in one trip! If you’ve been to any of my hundreds of events over the past few years and bought a book or…View post
I do nearly all of my writing on a keyboard. If I’m using a pen these days it’s usually to jot notes on a Post-It or a gum wrapper or…View post
What did truckers teach me about surviving as a writer? What’s a lesson I had to unlearn and what’s the backstory? When was a time I had to pivot, and…View post
It’s that time again…
Copy-pasted this a while back and now can’t remember where I saw it written (in a review, maybe? or a social media comment?), but thank you to this reader, and…View post