At the Big Top Tonight

I am honored to have a modest part in the Big Top Chautauqua show tonight and tomorrow night. The show is Take it to the Lake, a humorous and heartfelt and artful look at the powerful history and presence of Lake Superior. This is an original work created by Betty Ferris and Warren Nelson, and the quality of the words and images are not only enduring, they have allowed me to see “the one and only queen of the inland seas” with an entirely new breadth and perspective.

In rehearsing for the show, I have also verified something I’ve known all along: What the Big Top actors and musicians make look easy isn’t easy at all. I’ll do my level best to get my lines and hit the mark, but the heart and soul of this show belongs to the big blue tent and the people who built it…those musicians and actors on stage tonight, and all the hardworking veterans behind the scenes.

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