Made it to Michigan
Just finished speaking in the chapel at Calvin College. Such a generous crowd. I was a tad nervous, since I was speaking in a chapel about agnosticism. But what a rich hour. Blessed to be in there. I so cherish spots of thoughtfulness amidst the turmoil, and this was one of’em.
Speaking of turmoil, there was the fact that the flight from Minneapolis to Grand Rapids was delayed while they put us on three different planes (yep, three) before they found one that they liked well enough to allow airborne. I’m not grousing – much worse in the world, and safety first – but by the time they were sending us off to get on the third plane we all kinda thought maybe we were being Punk’d. Just gotta chuckle.
So as it was, I arrived (thanks to the calm management of my student host Dan) about 15 minutes before I was due to speak. Missed lunch, but I am told there will be a fine dinner before the reading tonight.
I fed the chickens before I left. Rain was misting down. And in the half-light I saw it: The oats have sprouted!
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