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Letters from Forty Acres Deep

In this our FIVE STARS/ZERO STARS world, how grateful I am for readers who take the time to share both their time and their heart. And especially so in the…View post

Gas It Up

The mix of folks who read my books and attend my shows is reflected in the gifts they share: Homemade preserves; a carburetor for a 1951 International; cookies, lotsa cookies;…View post

Empty Lot, Full Heart

By the time Tony and I are loading out, it’s often just us and the cleanup crew. Another one in the books for the mighty 2002 Sienna. Goddangit lost a…View post

Swamped But…

Swamped to a depth I’ve not been swamped in quite some time, so things have gone a tad quiet but we do have some fun out there, in this case…View post