Christopher Porterfield is Working

The other night driving home in the dark and the fat accumulating snow I found myself behind a small cavalcade of three cars moving with a tentative slowness that seemed less a reflection of the road conditions than an unfamiliarity with these particular backways. Then my headlights caught up with the rearmost vehicle and illuminated a guitar case and I figured I knew who it was and where they were heading. I turned off my way and let them go.

I will pick up that thread later.

Right now while I write alone I am listening to this:

Rest of the album here.

I’m not hip to all the inside stuff here, Comrade Plymouth as opposed to Conrad Plymouth, and whatnot. But I know Christopher Porterfield writes gorgeous stuff. This, for instance:

And the lyrics of this:

I don’t know, I need to be working on my book, so I’ll just post this and get back to it. But these songs… Makes me feel good that just up the snowy road Christopher Porterfield is working on new music. That was him and his crew I fell in behind the other night. Holed up now, and working it out. When it’s done, I’ll be ready.

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